關於italy time的評價, Lee Hsien Loong
It is five weeks since I spoke about the COVID-19 situation in Singapore. So it is timely to update ...
It is five weeks since I spoke about the COVID-19 situation in Singapore. So it is timely to update ...
It is five weeks since I spoke about the COVID-19 situation in Singapore. So it is timely to update ...
【#重要資訊請廣傳🇮🇹】日前中國官媒、微信、香港藍媒鋪天蓋地宣傳,「武漢肺炎源自意大利」,唯一的source,就是引述意大利醫生Giuseppe Remuzzi接受美國電台訪問的一句話,再斷章取義,...
「Arrivederci」 JOJO’s Bizzare Adventure Golden Win...
【感謝各國對臺灣的慰問與關懷】 MOFA would like to thank the go...
【感謝各國對臺灣的慰問與關懷】 MOFA would like to thank the gove...
【台灣防疫成效 #國際政要 都肯定👍👍👍】 第二波移入疫情強勢回流 🌀 看到確診人數增加 相信有在...
“I decided to let the clothes travel towards the h...